Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Bewerbungsfrist: 15.10.2024

The American University of Paris invites applications for a full-time position in the Department of History and Politics as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy, beginning 1 August 2025.  

Two courses of the annual 3/3 teaching load will be taught within the Department of Comparative Literature and English. 

Qualifications: A PhD degree in philosophy by the time of appointment. 

Applicants are expected to conduct internationally visible research and to demonstrate teaching competence in ancient philosophy, broadly defined (e.g. African, Asian, Latin American, Mediterranean). They must also be trained in one or more areas of theoretical philosophy, such as philosophy of language, logic, or philosophy of mind. 

For the Comparative Literature and English component of this position, candidates should expect to teach classes in at least one of the following fields:  literature, (ancient) languages, linguistics, and performance.    

All faculty members at the American University of Paris are expected to teach both lower-level and upper-level classes, and to perform service to their department and the university.  

The American University of Paris is an equal-opportunity employer for whom diversity is an essential source of vitality and strength.


  • The teaching load is six courses per academic year including the teaching of courses in support of the university’s first-year experience, which encompasses the FirstBridge program and expository writing. 

  • Teaching responsibilities will primarily be focused in the department’s philosophy curriculum.  

  • Faculty are expected to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching and integrative learning. 

  • Academic advising and mentoring are important components of our work with students.  

  • Faculty engage in service to the department (curricular development and promotion) as well as service to the university (committee work, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration). 

  • AUP has a shared governance system and so all faculty are expected to participate in the procedures of faculty governance, including attending full faculty, department, and committee meetings 

  • Faculty are expected to work professionally and collegially with the entire university community, including staff.  

  • All faculty should maintain compliance with policies and procedures set out in the Faculty Manual 

Faculty at AUP must have a commitment to liberal arts education in a highly international environment and pursue international research and scholarship. We seek engaged scholars.

Application Instructions:

Please submit your application via including:  

  • cover letter 

  • curriculum vitae 

  • statement of pedagogical philosophy with evidence of teaching effectiveness 

  • statement of research interests  

  • writing samples of recent scholarship (journal articles, chapters, published or in manuscript form) 

  • three confidential letters of reference 


The American University of Paris, Paris, France

Assistant Professor of Philosophy - The American University of Paris